Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Look at Music Videos

Initial Reaction- My immediate thoughts when i viewed the music video were that it was a sad song and that it wasn't a hip hop song. The video is with Kanye playing the piano and a bunch of ballet dancers dancing. I thought it was a weird way to make a music video.

Analysis and Interpretation- I think Kanye made this music video because it was something that he wanted to show his emotions for. Kanye wanted it to be a sad song. A theme that was promoted in this music video was sad.

Consideration of cultural context- Events that would've influenced Kanye to do this video was him feeling sad because of bad things he has done and wanting his video to show his emotions.

Expression of aesthetic judgement- Everything works together in the music video because it shows how Kanye is sad and how everything is going wrong for him. The lyrics of the song are effective because it is saying how something is always wrong with his life and this is what leads to a sad life. The visuals were kinda awkward to me because most of the time there are only people dancing and he's just singing.

Ongoing reflection- My chosen music video has influenced my reception of the song because the music video is slow and has a very sad mood to it and the song is about how everything is always wrong and he is always sad and finding something else wrong.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Social Networking Privacy

There are many ways that I could protect my information on social networking websites. I would protect my information by not putting out the location where I live. This is the most important one since once someone knows the exact location where you live, then they could come after you. You also shouldn't put private photos of yourself on the website because that gives away a lot of privacy. It's important to protect information from uninvited eyes and advertisers because if people see all of your information they could do a lot of bad things and one of those things could be stalking. There have been many cases of stalking on Facebook and other sites with has led to arrests. This is one reason that you shouldn't put out your personal information. Facebook and other sites are fun to go on and talk to your friends on, but you have to be careful of what information you are putting out because anyone could take this information and stalk you.

NBA 2K11 has Jordan and NBA Elite 11 has Jesus. Which game is better?